Garlic’s health benefits have long been praised by
grandmothers all over the world
“Sweet G is Grandma-Approved: Just Ask Her!”
Garlic has long been touted by grandmothers around the world as a natural remedy for the common cold. However, modern science has proven that those words of wisdom are more than just old wives’ tales. While there is still a lot to learn about this amazing vegetable, studies have already demonstrated that garlic is so much more than just a tasty seasoning!
For example, did you know that garlic is considered a “superfood”? Superfoods “...offer maximum nutritional benefits for minimal calories,” and benefit your health in various ways (“What Are Superfoods and Why Should You Eat Them?”). And while our high-quality garlic is what makes Sweet G unique, the dark chocolate in our snacks is considered a superfood as well! Click the following links to learn more about some of the many nutritional benefits that garlic and dark chocolate have to offer: